Overload-Checking and Edge-Finding for Robust Cumulative Scheduling


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Scheduling frameworks are not necessarily stable. The aim is to introduce schedules resistant to disruptions such as when resources become unavailable, the supply chain for them breaks down, etc. A schedule is robust if it absorbs some level of unforeseen events when at most a certain number of activities are delayed. Taking advantage of constraint programming, we present two new filtering algorithms for a constraint that models cumulative scheduling problems in robust contexts where up to r out of n tasks can be concurrently delayed while keeping the schedule valid. We adapt the overload-checking and edge-finding filtering rules for this framework. We show that our robust versions of these algorithms run in & UTheta;(r2nlog(n)) and O(r2znlog(n)), respectively, where z denotes the number of distinct capacities of all tasks. This achievement implies that the complexities of the state-of-the-art algorithms for these techniques are invariable when r is constant. Experiments illustrate that our algorithms scale, with respect to n and r. As a practical application, the experimental results on a special case of crane assignment problem also verify a stronger filtering for these methods in terms of backtrack numbers as well as computation times when used in conjunction with time tabling. Finally, in order to show that our CP-based algorithms improve to solve a robust scheduling problem, we make a comparison against temporal protection as an external robust scheduling approach.
constraint programming,constraint propagation,filtering algorithms,robust cumulative scheduling,uncertainty,data structure
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