GRASP: A Rehearsal Policy for Efficient Online Continual Learning


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Continual learning (CL) in deep neural networks (DNNs) involves incrementally accumulating knowledge in a DNN from a growing data stream. A major challenge in CL is that non-stationary data streams cause catastrophic forgetting of previously learned abilities. Rehearsal is a popular and effective way to mitigate this problem, which is storing past observations in a buffer and mixing them with new observations during learning. This leads to a question: Which stored samples should be selected for rehearsal? Choosing samples that are best for learning, rather than simply selecting them at random, could lead to significantly faster learning. For class incremental learning, prior work has shown that a simple class balanced random selection policy outperforms more sophisticated methods. Here, we revisit this question by exploring a new sample selection policy called GRASP. GRASP selects the most prototypical (class representative) samples first and then gradually selects less prototypical (harder) examples to update the DNN. GRASP has little additional compute or memory overhead compared to uniform selection, enabling it to scale to large datasets. We evaluate GRASP and other policies by conducting CL experiments on the large-scale ImageNet-1K and Places-LT image classification datasets. GRASP outperforms all other rehearsal policies. Beyond vision, we also demonstrate that GRASP is effective for CL on five text classification datasets.
efficient online continual learning,rehearsal policy
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