Research on Improved Variable Range Tentacle-Based Maneuver Guidance Strategy

Yichuan Zhu, Ling Li, Shaoqi He, Rui Mu,Haoyu Huang

2023 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Computer Communication and Artificial Intelligence (CCAI)(2023)

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For the reentry gliding process of high-speed aircraft, the aircraft can fly by adjusting the angle of bank and angle of attack. However, in addition to considering the reentry constraints, the avoidance of the no-fly zone should also be considered during the flight. For the no-fly zone undiscovered before launch, the high-speed aircraft needs to plan its trajectory online, which puts forward high requirements for the rapidity and real-time of its planning speed. This paper proposes a maneuver strategy with variable tentacle detection range, which tests the actual flight process through tentacle detection, selects the optimal tentacle command to meet the flight requirements, and reduces the number of tentacles through different tentacle detection strategies, Reducing the impact of the integration process on computational efficiency improves the speed of trajectory planning. Typical examples are used for simulation, and the deflection of aerodynamic data is simulated by Monte Carlo simulation. The results show that this method can effectively avoid the no-fly zone, and can satisfy all constraints in the gliding process. The computing time is 57.7% shorter than the traditional tentacle-based method.
high speed aircraft,maneuver guidance,tentacle-based method,variable detection range
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