Analysis of the effects of importin a1 on the nuclear translocation of IL-1a in HeLa cells

Akiko Yamada, Kiyotaka Wake, Saya Imaoka,Mitsuru Motoyoshi, Tsuyoshi Yamamoto, Masaharu Asano

Research Square (Research Square)(2023)

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Abstract Interleukin-1α (IL-1α), a cytokine released by necrotic cells, causes sterile inflammation. On the other hand, IL-1α is present in the nucleus and also regulates the expression of many proteins. A protein substrate containing a nuclear localization signal (NLS) typically forms a substrate/importin α/β complex, which is subsequently transported to the nucleus. To the best of our knowledge, no study has directly investigated whether IL-1α—which includes NLS—is imported into the nucleus in an importin-dependent manner. In this study, we noted that all detected importin subtypes interacted with IL-1α. In HeLa cells, importin α1-mediated nuclear translocation of IL-1α occurred at steady state and was independent of importin β1. Importin α1 not only was engaged in IL-1α nuclear transport but also concurrently functioned as a molecule that regulated IL-1α protein level in the cell. Furthermore, we discussed the underlying mechanism of IL-1α nuclear translocation by importin α1 based on our findings.
hela cells,importin a1,nuclear translocation
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