Online Platforms and Applications for the Development and Treatment of Reading Skills in Children - A Comparison Between Three Countries

Полина Mihova,Maria Mavrothanasi, Haneen Alshawesh, Tsveta Stoyanova

Smart innovation, systems and technologies(2023)

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After schools were closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, children were left with distance learning as their only option for a considerable amount of time. The impact on students with special education needs, especially those who have reading difficulties, is still not completely clear. Children with reading comprehension difficulties may be more vulnerable to negative learning outcomes following the COVID-19 lockdown. This is because they require constant, focused, and deliberate care in order to meet their educational goals. The purpose of this article is to examine three nations’ free, online tools geared towards improving and rehabilitating the reading skills of preschool and elementary school-aged students. For children who have trouble while learning to read, it has been found that enrichment reading online treatment tools and programs can be helpful in developing their reading ability.
reading skills,children
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