Moral distress in nurse leaders—A scoping review of the literature

Hephzibah Sophie Edwin,Alison M. Trinkoff,Mary Etta Mills

Nursing outlook(2023)

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Nurse leaders face immense organizational pressures exacerbating their distress, which has not been prioritized as much as frontline nurses. This review synthesized the literature to examine theoretical models, measures, contributing factors, outcomes, and coping strategies related to moral distress in nurse leaders. PubMed, Embase, CINAHL, and PsycINFO were searched, and 15 articles—2 quantitative and 13 qualitative studies were extracted. The scoping review identified one study using a theoretical model and two measures—the ethical dilemmas questionnaire and the Brazilian moral distress scale. Contributing factors of moral distress include internal and organizational constraints, increased workload, and lack of support impacting physical and emotional well-being and intention to quit. This review did not yield any intervention studies emphasizing the need for research to identify specific predictors of moral distress and examine their relationship to nurse leader retention, so organizations can explore targeted interventions to promote coping and mitigate distress.
Nurse administrator,Nurse manager,Nurse executive,Nurse director,Nurse middle manager,Health care manager,Nurse leader,Moral distress,Psychological distress
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