Inequalities in oral health: relationship between tooth brushing and socioeconomic position.


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Oral diseases affect a large proportion of the population around the world, producing health expenses for their attention, causing negative effects on the quality of life of people. In order to review the available evidence on the relationship between socioeconomic position and frequency of tooth brushing, considering that maintaining the balance of the oral microbiota is the easiest way to prevent oral diseases; a recognition is made of the aspects related to the socioeconomic position, inequalities and gradient in health; biofilm and tooth brushing. The dynamic ecosystem that presents opportunities for oral microbial dysbiosis and the development of dental and periodontal diseases is described. Their prevention is feasible through simple and cost-effective measures such as the promotion of brushing with fluoridated toothpaste, to mechanically remove the biofilm of the oral tissues. Likewise, the scientific evidence that suggests the existence of a dose-response relationship between socioeconomic position and oral diseases, known as "social gradient in health ", which can be observed from childhood, is highlighted. From a social perspective, emphasis is placed on non-biological factors such as behavior and habits, which play a central role in the prevention of oral diseases, as well as in the promotion of oral health and the success of treatments, considering that different Research has noted the association between low socioeconomic position and less frequent tooth brushing.
oral health, tooth brushing, hygiene, health inequalities
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