Synthesis, DFT, solvent effect and biological attributes of NLO active 4-bromo-2-((2-(2,4-Dinitrophenyl) hydrazono)methyl) phenol-Potent drug anti-brain cancer


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The agrochemical and pharmaceutical sectors have relied heavily on heterocyclic aromatic compounds. This work comprises the synthesis and investigation of a hydrazine derivative using density functional theory (DFT). Vibrational wavenumbers have been calculated, scaled down, and compared with the experimental in-terpretations. The molecule's stability was evaluated utilising natural bond orbital (NBO) analysis. The standard prototype substance urea has been utilised as a reference for non-linear optical (NLO) behaviour analysis. Acetonitrile, an aprotic solvent, has a significant energy band gap of 3.122 eV and the least softness (0.329 eV), and DMSO (aprotic) has the least 2.635 eV spectral band gap. Solvents substantially influenced the compre-hensive parameters and molecular reactivity of the molecule. Electron hole distribution analysis for the exci-tation states has been discussed. Topological studies such as ELF, LOL, and RDG (with solvents) analyses have been used to elucidate the bonding zones and weakest interactions and to access the energy density of electrons. Furthermore, it is observed that the polarity of solvents has a strong correlation with the electrical character-istics. The title compound, 4-bromo-2-((2-(2,4-Dinitrophenyl)hydrazono)methyl) phenol, adheres to Lipinski's rule of five, which implies that in practice using an oral dose of such chemicals shouldn't be harmful. The bio-activity of the composite was further assessed via molecular docking with cancer cell protein targets. Moreover, Ramachandran plots have been used to determine the stability of targeted proteins. Brain cancer cell prolifer-ation protein (6ETJ) has the highest binding energy of-10.37 kcal/mol with the most non-covalent interactions.
DNPHMP,NBO,PED,NLO,RDG,ELF and LOL,Molecular docking
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