Compressive Behaviour of Steel-Fibre Reinforced Concrete in Annex L of New Eurocode 2


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This paper describes the model for the compressive stress-strain behaviour of steel-fibre reinforced concrete (SFRC) in Annex L of the new Eurocode 2 (CEN, Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures. Part 1-1: General rules - Rules for buildings, bridges and civil struc-tures, prEN 1992-1-1: 2022; EC2 in short), developed within CEN TC250/SC2/WG1/TG2 - Fiber reinforced concrete. The model uses functions obtained from correlations with an extensive database comprised of 197 welldocumented SFRC compressive tests and 484 flexural tests. We detailedly explain the model and derive the strain values for the parabola-rectangle model for ULS of SFRC in Annex L. In addition, we also use the model and the correlations with the database to provide a link between the compressive and the flexural performance classes in EC2, which allows a complete definition of any particular SFRC. Likewise, we derive parabola-rectangle strain values for each flexural performance class, which is mainly advantageous for the stronger flexural performance classes. Finally, we give an example showing the enhancement in strength and ductility of a composite steel-SFRC section endorsed with the new model, which results of 15% and 100%, respectively.
Compressive model for SFRC in Annex L of Eurocode 2, combined compression, flexural classification for any SFRC, relevant strains, for ULS calculation, impact of the ductility and toughness enhancement of composite steel-SFRC sections on Eurocode 4
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