Perceptions of Ecosystem Services and Climate Change in the Communities Surrounding Mt. Kenya and Mt. Elgon, Kenya


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Local observations of climate change can be a critical resource for understanding the impacts of climate change, particularly in data-scarce areas. This study examines local observations of climate change in two montane areas of Kenya- Mt. Kenya and Mt. Elgon. Household questionnaires, focus group discussions, and interviews were used to explore local perceptions of ecosystem services and changes to those services. Results showed that communities had a strong appreciation for ecosystem services and had witnessed major changes in those services. Water provision was seen as the most important service and the one that had changed the most. Other observations of changes included shifts in species ranges, weather patterns, temperature, and soil properties. These changes are consistent with predictions from climate models, but they provide context-specific nuance that the models cannot provide. Spatial variables, such as distance to road and the alpine zone, played as large or larger role in affecting perceptions as demographics, which further points to the importance of context in understanding climate changes. Those that interacted with the mountains the most-the mountain guides-had particularly revealing observations of changes; these types of observations can be critical to understand and prepare for changes in the alpine areas of Kenya.
ecosystem services,climate change,tropical montane,adaptive capacity,indigenous knowledge
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