Type of intrinsic resistant starch type 3 determines in vitro fermentation by pooled adult faecal inoculum

C. E. Klostermann, M. F. Endika, E. ten Cate, P. L. Buwalda,P. de Vos,J. H. Bitter,E. G. Zoetendal,H. A. Schols


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Resistant starch (RS) results in relatively high health-beneficial butyrate levels upon fermentation by gut microbiota. We studied how physico-chemical characteristics of RS-3 influenced butyrate production during fermentation. Six highly resistant RS-3 substrates (intrinsic RS-3, 80-95 % RS) differing in chain length (DPn 16-76), Mw distribution (PI) and crystal type (A/B) were fermented in vitro by pooled adult faecal inoculum. All intrinsic RS-3 substrates were fermented to relatively high butyrate levels (acetate/butyrate <= 2.5), and especially fermentation of A-type RS-3 prepared from polydisperse alpha-1,4 glucans resulted in the highest relative butyrate amount produced (acetate/butyrate: 1). Analysis of the microbiota composition after fermentation revealed that intrinsic RS-3 stimulated primarily Lachnospiraceae, Bifidobacterium and Ruminococcus, but the relative abundances of these taxa differed slightly depending on the RS-3 physico-chemical characteristics. Especially intrinsic RS-3 of narrow disperse Mw distribution stimulated relatively more Ruminococcus. Selected RS fractions (polydisperse Mw distribution) obtained after pre-digestion were fermented to acetate and butyrate (ratio <= 1.8) and stimulated Lachnospiraceae and Bifidobacterium. This study indicates that especially the alpha-1,4 glucan Mw distribution dependent microstructure of RS-3 influences butyrate production and microbiota composition during RS-3 fermentation.
Butyrate,Microbiota,Dietary fibre,Crystal type,Molecular weight distribution
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