Pediatric and emergency medicine resident comfort assessing and treating pediatric pain across pediatric age groups.

Amy Paul,Seleshi Demissie, Patrick J Schmidlein,Eleny Romanos-Sirakis

Pain management(2023)

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Aim: Assess pediatric and emergency medicine (EM) resident comfort treating and assessing pediatric pain. Materials & methods: Pediatric and EM residents at a single institution (SIUH Northwell Health in New York) completed an anonymous survey 6 months into the academic year regarding comfort assessing and treating pediatric pain. Results: A total of 40 (16/24 EM and 24/24 pediatric) residents completed this survey: 20% (8/24) pediatric first year residents, 40% (16/40) pediatric second year and above, 20% (8/40) EM first year and 20% (8/40) EM second year and above. A 46% (11/24) pediatric and 12% (2/16) EM residents were comfortable assessing neonatal pain (p < 0.05). A 38% (9/24) pediatric residents were comfortable treating neonatal pain compared with 12% (2/16) EM residents (p < 0.05). Both resident groups reported increasing comfort assessing and treating pain with increasing patient age. Conclusion: Both residents groups reported limitations in comfort assessing and treating pediatric pain, especially in younger patients. Education for both groups is important to optimize pediatric pain management.
acute pain, pain, pain assessment, pain management, pediatric pain
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