Bovine lead exposure from informal battery recycling in India

Gregory Ferraro,Bret Ericson, Andrew M. Simons,Emily Nash, Mohammed Kabir

Environmental science and pollution research international(2023)

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We provide an estimate of annual bovine lead exposure and attributable mortality at informal lead acid battery recycling sites in India. We use Pure Earth’s Toxic Sites Identification Program database, the FAO’s Gridded Livestock dataset, and a Poisson plume model of lead particle air dispersion to estimate site-level mortality. We calculate that India suffers 2370 excess bovine fatalities each year, resulting in more than USD $2.1 million of economic damage. The distribution of damages by location is highly skewed. While we find most sites (86.3%) induce no mortalities, 6.2% of sites induce minor damage (1 to 5 fatalities), 4.1% induce moderate damage (6 to 20 fatalities), and 3.4% induce severe damage (21 + fatalities). These findings highlight the importance of geospatial data to prioritize mitigation efforts and identify a previously unquantified burden on the rural poor. Graphical abstract
Soil pollution,Lead recycling,Geospatial distribution,Lead livestock exposure,Low- and middle- income countries
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