Effects of Temperature and Nutrition during the Larval Period on Life History Traits in an Invasive Malaria Vector Anopheles stephensi .


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is an Asian and Middle Eastern malaria vector, and it has recently spread to the African continent. It is needed to measure how the malaria parasite infection in . is influenced by environmental factors to predict its expansion in a new environment. Effects of temperature and food conditions during larval periods on larval mortality, larval period, female wing size, egg production, egg size, adult longevity, and malaria infection rate were studied using a laboratory strain. Larval survival and female wing size were generally reduced when reared at higher temperatures and with a low food supply during the larval period. Egg production was not significantly affected by temperature during the larval period. Egg size was generally smaller in females reared at higher temperatures during the larval period. The infection rate of mosquitoes that fed on blood from malaria-infected mice was not affected by rearing temperature or food conditions during the larval period. Higher temperatures may reduce infection. . ; however, larger individuals can still be infective. We suggest that routinely recording the body size of adults in field surveys is effective in finding productive larval breeding sites and in predicting malaria risk.
malaria,larval period,life history traits,temperature
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