Uncovering the Nutritive Profiles of Adult Male Chinese Mitten Crab ( E. sinensis ) Harvested from the Pond and Natural Water Area of Qin Lake Based on Metabolomics.

Foods (Basel, Switzerland)(2023)

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, normally harvested in October and November, is an economic aquatic product in China. Pond culture has been widely applied for the production of , wherein a stable food supply for crabs is provided. In order to improve the nutritional quality of products, this study evaluated the effect of the local pond culture on the nutritive profiles of and screened out the best harvest time for the nutrient-rich crabs, thereby guiding the local crab industry to improve its aquaculture mode and harvest strategy. The results indicated that pond culture enhanced the levels of protein, amino acids, and specific organic acid derivatives, and reduced the levels of peptides and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). Compared with harvested in October, peptide levels were significantly increased, whereas sugar, phenolic acid, and nucleotide levels were decreased in those harvested in November. Overall, the study revealed that the nutritive profile of the pond-reared was significantly modulated by a high-protein diet, thus lacking the diversity of metabolites. Additionally, October could be more appropriate for harvesting than November.
harvest time, metabolomic profiling, polyunsaturated fatty acid, pond culture
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