Ox-LDL aggravates contrast-induced injury of renal tubular epithelial cells.

Journal of biochemical and molecular toxicology(2023)

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Hypercholesterolemia can aggravate contrast-induced acute kidney injury, and the exacerbation of renal tubular epithelial cell (RTEC) injury is a major cause. However, the exact mechanisms remain obscure. Mitophagy, a type of autophagy, selectively eliminates damaged mitochondria and reduces mitochondrial oxidative stress, which is strongly implicated in cell homeostasis and acute kidney injury. Oxidized low-density lipoprotein (Ox-LDL) is accumulated in hypercholesterolemia and has a cytotoxic effect. This study aimed to determine whether and how ox-LDL exacerbates contrast-induced injury in RTECs and to further explore whether PINK1/Parkin-dependent mitophagy is involved in this process. Iohexol and ox-LDL were used alone or in combination to treat HK-2 cells. Rapamycin pretreatment was utilized to enhance mitophagy. Cell viability, apoptosis, mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) and mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (mtROS) were detected by cell counting kit-8, TUNEL staining, JC-1 kit and MitoSOX fluorescence, respectively. The expression of mitophagy-related proteins (including PINK1, Parkin, and so on) and cleaved caspase-3 was confirmed by western blot. Colocalization of MitoTracker-labeled mitochondria and LysoTracker-labeled lysosomes was observed by fluorescence microscopy to evaluate mitophagy. The results of our study showed that ox-LDL aggravated MMP decline, mtROS release and apoptosis in iohexol-treated HK-2 cells, accompanied by a further increased autophagy level. Enhancement of PINK1/Parkin-dependent mitophagy by rapamycin alleviated apoptosis and mitochondrial injury in HK-2 cells in response to iohexol under ox-LDL condition. Therefore, our findings indicate that ox-LDL aggravates contrast-induced injury of RTECs by increasing mitochondrial damage and mitochondrial oxidative stress, which may be associated with the relative insufficiency of PINK1/Parkin-dependent mitophagy.
CI-AKI, mitochondrial damage, mitophagy, ox-LDL, oxidative stress
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