23-Year-Old Male with Testis Cancer with Spontaneous Ruptured Teratocarcinoma and No History of Trauma: A Case Report.

Fardin Asgari, Pedram Golmohammadi,Diana Taheri,Seyed Mohammad Kazem Aghamir

Case reports in oncology(2023)

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Teratocarcinoma is one type of testis cancer that can be represented in the youth population and usually shows itself with swelling of the testis and edema and a rise of BHCG and alpha-fetoprotein, but spontaneous rupture is a rare manifestation. A 23-year-old man was referred to the Sina Hospital with complaints of testis pain and swelling. Laboratory findings were alpha f.p more than 2,000, BHCG titer 255.21, and LDH 504. Sonography findings showed the right testis had been detected with a heterogeneous mass with vascularity and cystic area with microcalcification, measuring 76*69 mm. During surgery, we faced rupture tumor that was unusual and rare. The radical orchidectomy was done successfully without any complications. After the surgery, pathology showed teratocarcinoma of the right testis, and a 6-month observation and follow-up were done without any complication.
teratocarcinoma,testis cancer,spontaneous ruptured teratocarcinoma
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