A Critical Look at AI-Generate Software: Coding with the New AI Tools is Both Irresistible and Dangerous

Jaideep Vaidya, Hafiz Asif

IEEE Spectrum(2023)

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In many ways, we live in the world of The Matrix. If Neo were to help us peel back the layers, we would find code all around us. Indeed, modern society runs on code: Whether you buy something online or in a store, check out a book at the library, fill a prescription, file your taxes, or drive your car, you are most probably interacting with a system that is powered by software. And the ubiquity, scale, and complexity of all that code just keeps increasing, with billions of lines of code being written every year. The programmers who hammer out that code tend to be overburdened, and their first attempt at constructing the needed software is almost always fragile or buggy- and so is their second and sometimes even the finalversion. It may fail unexpectedly, have unanticipated consequences, or be vulnerable to attack, sometimes resulting in immense damage.
new ai-generate tools,software
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