The Carbon Footprint of a UK Chemical Engineering Department – The Case of Imperial College London

Procedia CIRP(2023)

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As the UK strives towards net-zero it is important that all sectors, including Higher Education, take immediate measures to cut their greenhouse gas emissions. The greenhouse gases emitted by different Higher Education institutions are studied and are shown to be large. However, these studies are based on aggregated data, and it is therefore uncertain how effective institute-wide policies to cut emissions are at department level. Herein, we present a generic framework for university departments to calculate their carbon footprint considering Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions. We estimate the carbon footprint of the Chemical Engineering Department at Imperial College London to be 7,620 and 8,330 tCO2eq in 2018/19 and 2019/20, respectively. Scope 3 emissions account for 54% of the Department's emissions with Scope 1 and 2 accounting for the remaining 46%. Scope 3 emissions are largely driven by purchased goods and travel, while Scope 1 emissions are predominantly from electricity usage.
carbon footprint,scope 1 emissions,scope 2 emissions,scope 3 emissions,higher education
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