The brain's dark transcriptome: Sequencing RNA in distal compartments of neurons and glia

Current Opinion in Neurobiology(2023)

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Transcriptomic approaches are powerful strategies to map the molecular diversity of cells in the brain. Single-cell genomic atlases have now been compiled for entire mammalian brains. However, complementary techniques are only just beginning to map the subcellular transcriptomes from distal cellular compartments. We review single-cell datasets alongside subtranscriptome data from the mammalian brain to explore the development of cellular and subcellular diversity. We discuss how single-cell RNA-seq misses transcripts localized away from cell bodies, which form the ‘dark transcriptome’ of the brain: a collection of subtranscriptomes in dendrites, axons, growth cones, synapses, and endfeet with important roles in brain development and function. Recent advances in subcellular transcriptome sequencing are beginning to reveal these elusive pools of RNA. We outline the success stories to date in uncovering the constituent subtranscriptomes of neurons and glia, as well as present the emerging toolkit that is accelerating the pace of subtranscriptome discovery.
dark transcriptome,rna,neurons,distal compartments
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