A Citizen Science Web Portal for Interdisciplinary Research on Climate Change (BAYSICS): Development and Evaluation


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<p>Citizen science can be used to collect vast and timely data, while promoting active learning on selected topics.&#160;The&#160;Bavarian Citizen Science Portal for Climate Research and Science Communication&#160;(BAYSICS) is a scientific project&#160;which&#160;started in 2018 with 10 partner institutions&#160;in&#160;Bavaria. It aims to achieve (1) citizens&#8217; participation in climate change research through innovative digital forms, (2) transfer of knowledge on the complexity of climate change and its local consequences, and (3) joint scientific and environmental education goals.&#160;</p><p>Within the BAYSICS project, a web portal has been developed&#160;that&#160;builds the interface between researchers and citizens.&#160;In the&#160;initial&#160;phase, the interests&#160;from&#160;the different&#160;research&#160;disciplines&#160;participating in&#160;the project&#160;were identified.&#160;Currently,&#160;the IT structure&#160;for the web portal&#160;is&#160;developed&#160;based on&#160;the needs of the project.&#160;Free tools such as PostgreSQL, Django, Gunicorn and Nginx are used. The researchers involved have the&#160;opportunity&#160;to integrate&#160;research topic specific questions and data&#160;collection guidelines for citizens.&#160;</p><p>On the web portal, users&#160;are&#160;able to choose a topic from&#160;four&#160;different&#160;areas (phenology, pollen, tree, and animals) and submit their observations in multiple data types (pictures, geolocations, and texts). The observation data is visualized on&#160;a&#160;map&#160;of&#160;the web portal. The data collected within the project is freely available for download on the web portal, while protecting user&#8217;s privacy. Application Programming Interface (API)&#160;is&#160;developed to enable interaction with other software products and services.</p><p>A&#160;first test phase within the project&#160;members start&#160;at the beginning of 2020. Afterwards,&#160;a second&#160;test phase is planned involving potential users&#160;(e.g. school students and teachers). The outcomes from the test phases will be used for evaluation.</p>
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