Philosophical foundations of research, and the case of the epistemic well, in a least developed nation.

Research Square (Research Square)(2021)

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Abstract Inspired by an ancient tale of kupamanduka (Well Frog) that never ventures out of the well and lives to think the well as the world and see nothing beyond it. This article conceptualises the ‘Epistemic Well’ and the native epistemic community that dwells in it remains within the confines of the epistemic well. Philosophical foundations are the core of each individual researcher and all research questions, hypothesis, methodologies, recommendations are shaped by it. Particular modes of governance instil particular modes of philosophies. Under neoliberalism the prevailing philosophical foundations have been identified as, detached, decontextualized, depoliticized, dehistoricized, dissocialized, deproblematized, reductionist/individualist, instrumentalization, separation, marketisation, positivist and objectivist. The combination of these attributes builds the epistemic well. The epistemic well of research is not absolute and is not meant to provide quantification data. The epistemic well is a reflexive tool that can be used to evaluate a research especially for a nation like Nepal. The research funds or the benefits that ensues a researcher are important criteria for research. When thinking of a research topic, the primary determining factor becomes the amount of fund available the gaze of a native researcher can overlook various conditions and processes. The epistemic community that is formed by these researchers maintain and sustain particular epistemes. The NCD’s were selected primarily to stick to a cohort but this does not limit the scope and purpose of the epistemic well.
epistemic well,philosophical foundations,research,nation
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