Human adipose derived mesenchymal stem cells differentially produced anti-inflammatory oxylipins under proinflammatory stimulation


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Abstract MSCs have been proven to have immune modulation and anti-inflammation capabilities, but the mechanisms are still under investigation. Recently, oxylipins have been identified to be involved in the immuno-regulation function of MSCs. In the present research, we employed a newly developed UPLC-MS/MS method to identify and quantify the oxylipin profile of ADSCs under proinflammatory stimulation (TNF-α and IFN-𝛾). As a result, among the analyzed 71 oxylipins, we detected and quantified 49 oxylipins derived from six major n-6 and n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) including arachidonic (AA), linoleic (LA), alpha-linolenic (ALA), dihomo-𝛾-linolenic acid (DGLA), eicosapentaenoic (EPA), and docosahexaenoic (DHA) acids in all samples, while 4 oxylipins were detected only in a part of samples and 18 were not detected in all samples. Nine oxylipins were found to be significantly differentially produced in ADSCs after 24 hours of inflammatory stimulation, among which, several oxylipins were reported to be having anti-inflammation or proresolving functions and involved in lipid mediator switching. The results reported here make a fundamental step towards a comprehensive characterization of MSCs derived oxylipins as potential modulators of inflammation and immunoreaction.
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