Systemic Analysis of the DNA Replication Regulators Origin Recognition Complex in Lung Adenocarcinomas Identifies Prognostic and Expression Significance

Research Square (Research Square)(2021)

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Abstract Background: Origin recognition complex (ORC) 1, ORC2, ORC3, ORC4, ORC5 and ORC6, form a replication-initiator complex to mediate DNA replication, which play a key role in carcinogenesis, while their role in lung adenocarcinomas (LUAD) remains poorly understood.Methods: We confirmed the transcriptional and post-transcriptional levels, DNA alteration, DNA methylation, miRNA network, protein structure, PPI network, functional enrichment, immune infiltration and prognostic value of ORCs in LUAD based on Oncomine, GEPIA, HPA, cBioportal, TCGA, GeneMANIA, Metascape, KM-plot, GENT2, and TIMER database. Results: ORC mRNA and protein were both enhanced obviously based on Oncomine, Ualcan, GEPIA, TCGA and HPA database. Furthermore, ORC1 and ORC6 have significant prognostic values for LUAD patients based on GEPIA database. Protein structure, PPI network, functional enrichment and immune infiltration analysis indicated that ORC complex cooperatively accelerate the LUAD development by promoting DNA replication, cellular senescence and metabolic process. Conclusion: the ORC complex has an important prognostic and expression significance for LUAD patients.
lung adenocarcinomas,dna
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