Sexual quality of life in young women with breast cancer during adjuvant endocrine therapy: objective assessment and patient-reported supportive measures.

Angelique Bobrie,Marta Jarlier, Aurore Moussion,William Jacot, Veronique D'Hondt

Research Square (Research Square)(2021)

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Abstract Purpose: sexual quality of life (QoL) is affected during and after breast cancer (BC) treatment. Young women are more frequently and severely affected. We analyzed the sexual and global QoL in less than 51 years old women with BC receiving adjuvant endocrine therapy for at least 2 years, to analyze sexual dysfunction after the acute treatment phase. We also questioned women on the actions taken individually and on those they would find useful to address these issues.Methods: a prospective study was conducted to evaluate the sexual QoL of young women with BC during the adjuvant endocrine treatment and to assess patient-reported supportive measures.Results: a total of 45 women completed the 3 EORTC questionnaires and an additional specific questionnaire proposed in the context of the study. We showed a deterioration of the sexual QoL and a poor communication with healthcare professionals about this issue. Most patients (88.9%) declared important that sexuality should be discussed with caregivers and that the partner should be involved in the discussion. The majority of patients (60%) had taken at least one action to overcome the sexual problems, in order of frequency: local treatment like vaginal moisturizer, consultation with a psychologist, while a consultation with a sexologist remained rare. Most of these interventions (63%) originated from the patient herself. Conclusion: sexual QoL is a major issue in BC patients less than 51 years old during endocrine treatment. Communication on sexuality with healthcare professionals needs to be improved. Most of the supportive methods used by the patients were at their own initiative, highlighting the need for a professional counseling on this topic. Finally, patients suggested supportive measures they would find useful and appropriate to develop in clinic.NCT 04200001
adjuvant endocrine therapy,sexual quality,breast cancer,patient-reported
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