The Traditional Knowledge About Herbal Use In Veterinary Medicine At The Balkan Peninsula

Savić Radovanović R. Radoslava, Andjelski Radičević H. Biljana, Rajić Savić S. Nataša,Zdravković Nemanja,Pavlović N. Ivan,Ilić V. Dragan

Research Square (Research Square)(2021)

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Abstract Background. The traditional knowledge about herbal use in veterinary medicine in Serbs is voluminous. However, that wealth is threatened to oblivion because new times give modern methods of treatment. Hence, the aim of this report was to present the collected data about folk methods of treatment and nutrition by the help of available plants related to the animals in Serbs what could be applied in up to date veterinary pharmacy. Methods. The questionnaire of 28 questions was prepared regarding the breeding, nutrition and medical treatment of domestic animals as well as the herbal list of medicinal plants to use. The study is based on the ”Show-and-Tell Technique” from the groups people without veterinary or medical education, with preference to people living in the remote settlements without resident veterinary services. Results. Interviewed persons were in the age range of 30-90 years. Plant interviewee were asked to show the plant species in a fresh or dried condition (for adequate identification). The 1120 filled inquiry sheets were analysed. Ninety two herbs were presented, of whom the most frequent noted were Carlina acaulis, Asteraceae (6 times) and Geum urbanum, Rosaceae (5 times). The most frequent treated diseases were of digestive (47%) and pulmonary system (25%), skin (hair, hoof) (8%) and urinary system (7%). Among “other” cathegory answers like “generaly good for helath” are included. Conclusion. It is still open question for the scientific branches of veterinary pharmacology to find out active ingredients, mechanism of action and application of some plants in the scope of veterinary pharmacology, phytochemistry and phytopharmacology. In that way the listed herbs in this work, which are still not in use nowadays, could be recognized as commercially available.
herbal use,veterinary medicine,balkan peninsula,traditional knowledge
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