Radial symmetry molding skull roundness: a human fetal MR study

Graziano Serrao, Emanuele La Corte,Fabio Triulzi, Salvatore Longoni,Federica Ruggiero, Elia Biganzoli


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Abstract The aim of this study consists in evaluating the morphological integration and molding shape of the human fetal craniofacial complex development on MR sagittal images. The sella point has been used as a reference point to build eleven dimensional parameters encompassing the craniofacial complex. Data and measurements obtained were statistically analyzed by PCA. The designed rays were significantly correlated, normally distributed and characterized by linearity over the overall fetal development. These findings showed that the craniofacial units are clustering together, whereas craniobasal and craniopharyngeal traits are spread. The data analysis supported the efficacy of specific morphological traits to evaluate differences emerging during the modeling growth processes. Skull modeling seems to be characterized by a rotational symmetry around the sella as inertial point. We firstly present the intriguing hypothesis through which the skull development grows along a dihedral angle symmetry made of a both rotational and reflection vector.
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