Curcumae Radix Extract Reduces Beta-Amyloid (Αβ) and Tau Protein Through Increased Mitochondrial Respiration

Research Square (Research Square)(2021)

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Abstract Background: Neurodegenerative diseases are increasingly being studied owing to the increasing proportion of the aging population. Several potential compounds have been studied to prevent neurodegenerative diseases, one of which is Curcumae Radix that is known to be beneficial for inflammatory conditions, metabolic syndrome, and various types of pain. However, it is not well studied and its influence on energy metabolism in neurodegenerative diseases is unclear. We focused on the relationship between neurodegenerative diseases and energy metabolism through Curcumae Radix extract in an animal model. Methods: Mice were treated with Curcumae Radix extract for 5 weeks orally 5 times in a week (50 mg/kg body weight). Murine delayed brain tumor (DBT) cells were supplemented with Curcumae Radix extract. We monitored the neurodegenerative makers and metabolic indicators using Western blotting and qRT-PCR and then assessed the cellular glycolysis and mitochondrial respiration through metabolic flux assay.Results: Low expression levels of Alzheimer’s disease-related markers were observed after treatment with Curcumae Radix extract. It was determined through the pAMPK/AMPK ratio that the ATP state was sufficient in the cerebrum and brain tumor cells. With this, an increase in glycolysis would be expected as glucose is the main energy source of the brain. However, glycolysis-related genes and the extracellular acidification rate showed that glycolysis decreased. Despite this, basal respiration and ATP production through mitochondrial respiration and increased TCA cycle and OXPHOS-related genes were observed in the Curcumae Radix group. Conclusions: In neurodegenerative diseases involving mitochondrial dysfunction, Curcumae Radix may act as a metabolic modulator of brain health to treat and prevent these diseases.
mitochondrial respiration,tau protein,αβ,beta-amyloid
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