POSSUM: PrOactive diSruption riSk identification for sUpply chain Management.

PerCom Workshops(2023)

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Proactive and agile supply chain risk management (SCRM) ensures that the activities of a supply chain achieve their desired aims. The first task in SCRM is risk identification. In this work, we focus on external risks by capturing relevant information about external occurrences such as political or environmental events, etc., which may negatively impact the supply chain operations. The timely identification of external risk events assists risk managers in deploying mitigation strategies to address such risks. One of the great resources for such identification is news. However, the large volume of news makes manual identification of the relevant news frustrating, time-consuming, and almost impossible. We have built a proactive risk identification system that automatically identifies and retrieves the most relevant news relying on advanced natural language processing (NLP), reinforcement learning (RL), and risk managers' feedback to address the abundance-of-news problem. We will demo the functionality of this system using informative scenarios.
Risk identification,supply chain,natural language processing,reinforcement learning
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