Knowledge and Confidence Levels Improvement Among Obstetrics Residents Regarding Caesarean Section Training Using Video- Mannequins Combination

Research Square (Research Square)(2022)

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Abstract Background: Elevating rates of caesarean section was happened in around the world nowadays. The health professionals are required to expert in this surgery in order to provide safely procedures, especially obstetrics and gynecology residents. However, Covid-19 emergence became a barrier of residents to practice their surgery skills. Consequently, it had to discover alternative strategies for residents to achieve caesarean section skills. This study’s purpose was to identify the effect of virtual video, mannequins, and the combination of video-mannequins on resident’s knowledge and confidence regarding caesarean section. Method: This research was a quasy-experimental study with pre-test and post-test designs. Based on stratified random sampling, this research involved 33 obstetrics and gynecology residents as study respondent. These samples were divided into 3 groups. These three groups received different interventions, such as learning using video, mannequins, and video-mannequins combination. This study used 2 kinds of questionnaires to examine resident’s knowledge and their confidence level. The collected data was analysed further employing three statistical tests, such as Wilcoxon-Signed Ranked Test, Kruskal Wallis Test, and Mann Whitney Test. Result: This study consisted of 4 levels of residentials according to their semester periods. More than half respondents had more than three times clinical experiences in the hospital related to the obstetrics and gynecology sciences. All the study methods such as video tutorial (0.42(CI95%-0.11-0.9)), mannequin simulation (0.60(CI95%-0.04-1.25)), and the combination of video-mannequin (1.3(CI95%0.73-1.93)) significantly increased resident’s knowledge. Besides, video and mannequin learning methods could increase resident’s confidence due to caesarean surgery practice. Conclusion: All media could improve resident’s knowledge about caesarean section clinical practice. The combination of video tutorial and mannequin simulation became the best method to achieve competency in caesarean surgery, compared to the single video tutorial and mannequin simulation. In addition, these educational strategies enhanced resident’s confidence during clinical practice of caesarean section.
caesarean section training,confidence,knowledge
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