Student Well-being in Times of COVID-19 in the Netherlands.

Lisa Kiltz, Miranda Trippenzee,Joke Fleer,Marjon Fokkens-Bruinsma, E.P.W.A. Jansen


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The COVID-19 pandemic has affected student well-being, because measures such as closing educational institutions and social distancing have forced universities to adapt their learning environment. Previous research has demonstrated that the learning environment influences student well-being by satisfying their basic psychological needs of autonomy, competence, and relatedness. The present study is therefore aimed to investigate, first, how the basic psychological needs relate to student well-being, second, how students perceive interaction within the academic system, and third, how they would like the ”new educational normal” to look. To this end, we implemented a cross-sectional survey, which includes both quantitative measures and qualitative open questions, and distributed it at a Dutch university (n = 653). To identify the predictive strength of need satisfaction and frustration, we calculated multiple regressions. Need satisfaction and frustration relate to the well-being measures. However, relatedness correlates least with student well-being. Moreover, students report restricted interactions with their teachers and fellow students, leading to a feeling of being disconnected and struggles to establish or maintain relationships. In contrast with the quantitative findings, students highlight relatedness as an essential, currently lacking part of their experience. They suggest a potential hybrid learning environment with a focus on social cohesion.This study emphasises the relevance of interpersonal connections within higher education and provides practical ideas for a post-pandemic academic structures. These insights can support universities’ systemic investments in student well-being and creating a healthier learning environment for the future.
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