More than one quarter of Africa's tree cover found outside areas previously classified as forest

Research Square (Research Square)(2022)

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Abstract The consistent monitoring of trees both inside and outside of forests is key to mitigating climate change. Current monitoring systems either ignore trees outside forests or are too expensive to be applied consistently across countries on a repeated basis. Here we make use of the PlanetScope nanosatellite constellation, which delivers global very high-resolution daily imagery, to map both forest and non-forest tree cover for continental Africa using images from a single year. Our prototype map of 2019 demonstrates that a precise assessment of all tree-based systems is possible at continental scale, and reveals that 29% of tree cover is found outside areas previously classified as tree cover, such as in croplands and grassland. Such accurate mapping of tree cover at metric resolution down to the level of individual trees and consistent among countries has the potential to redefine land use impacts, move beyond the need for forest definitions, build the basis for natural climate solutions, and provide a new scientific basis for tree related studies.
tree cover,forest,africa,outside areas
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