Decolonising ecological research: a debate between global North geographers and global South field ecologists

Juliana S. Leal, Bruno Soares, Ana C S Franco, Romullo Guimarães de Sá Ferreira Lima, Kater Baker,Mark Griffiths


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In this short perspective, we discuss some topics to further the decolonisation of ecological research by bringing Global North geographers and Global South ecologists together for the debate. The text reviews current debates and provides reflections on dis/connections between disciplines around decolonisation topics, research publishing, collaboration, and the geographies of ecology. Following recent advances in actions and programs striking the exclusionary effects of English in scientific practice, we argue for increasing efforts on supporting a plurality of expression in science that can strengthen the scientific community beyond the “global North”. Inclusive approaches for collaborative research have been taking steps towards decolonisation, but we highlight these strategies may further unethically practices into targeting determined profiles to satisfy funder requirements without building an inclusive environment. An unequal movement from the “global North” to the “global South” has been the core of unequal collaborations for conserving the nature. Nevertheless, we argue that more effective division of labour could advance field ecology and center in-country ecologists into ecological debate. There is no easy pathway to decolonise ecological research, but we believe that confronting the persisting colonial-era power relationships requires moving into places of necessary discomfort, either by learning new languages or stepping aside. Then, we push this discussion to provoke a moment of introspection and further debate.
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