Analysis of Autonomic Modulation in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Claudia Cavalcante Campos,Dianne Dielly de Vasconcelos Ferreira, Marcilene Alves Brasil,Mayara de Sousa Carlos Aires,Guilherme Pinheiro Ferreira Silva, Amanda Souza Araújo Almeida,Jose Evaldo Gonçalves Lopes-Junior,Cesário Rui Callou-Filho, Juliana Pinto Montenegro

Brazilian Journal of Clinical Medicine and Review(2023)

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The aim of this study was to analyze autonomic modulation and factors that may be associated in patients with COPD. We carried out a cross-sectional, observational study of a quantitative nature, from the recruitment of 11 individuals with COPD, assisted by a specialized hospital in the state of Ceará. For data collection, the following were used: an evaluation form containing demographic and clinical data, prepared by the researchers; a cardiofrequency meter to measure the heart rate during and after the walk test; the Duke Activity Status Index (DASI) questionnaire to assess the capacity functional scale, the London Chest Activity of Daily Living (LCADL) scale to check the level of dyspnea and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) and Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) to analyze the level of anxiety. We identified the LCADL scale was significantly correlated with the BAI (r= 0.847; p=0.001). Also, we found that the DASI scale was negatively correlated with the BAI (r= -0.632; p=0.037), and it was verified that the lower the score, the greater the anxiety and the lower the performance in activities of daily living (ADLs). In this context, we observed that anxiety significantly impacts ADLs in the evaluated population.
autonomic modulation,chronic
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