A Proposal to Evaluate Electron Temperature and Electron Density Fluctuations Using Dual Wavelength Emission Intensity Tomography in a Linear Plasma

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan(2023)

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A procedure to calculate normalized electron temperature and electron density fluctuations using dual wavelength emission intensity tomography in a linear magnetized plasma is proposed. Expression of emission intensity is modeled as epsilon(k) alpha T-e(alpha) n(e)(2) where epsilon(k) is emission intensity, T-e is electron temperature, ne is electron density, k = 1 for ArI, and k = 2 for ArII. Using the model, normalized T-e and n(e) fluctuations can be expressed as linear function of both the normalized emission intensity fluctuations. To calculate alpha(k), we perform least squares method between real ek measured with a tomography system and artificial ek reconstructed using T-e and n(e) measured with a Langmuir probe located downstream of the tomography system. The results show that alpha(1) = 2.2 and alpha(2) = 2.6, and normalized T-e and n(e) fluctuations are preliminarily evaluated from emission intensity tomography data.
electron density fluctuations,electron temperature,tomography,plasma
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