Psychometric Assessment and Gender Invariance of the Polish Adaptation of the Risky Loot Box Index


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Loot boxes are random virtual items in video games that gamers can purchase using real or virtual in-game money. Brooks and Clark (2019) developed a new five-item measure of risky behaviors surrounding the use of loot boxes the Risky Loot Box Index (RLI). So far, it is the only validated instrument to evaluate difficulties in controlling the use of these specific microtransactions in video games. This study aims to provide data on the Polish version of the RLI. A sample of 1,358 gamers (59.1% female) who opened loot boxes in the past 12 months completed an online survey conducted via an internet panel containing the RLI along with the Internet Gaming Disorder Scale–Short-Form, Problem Gambling Severity Index, and questions about loot box use and socio-demographics. As a result, the original RLI one-factor structure was successfully confirmed with the Polish version. The scale also displayed satisfying internal consistency. Furthermore, convergent validity indices were similar to those reported for the original version, and scale scores reached full invariance across gender. Finally, the study examined the item functioning of RLI according to item response theory. The Polish version of the RLI is well aligned with the original English version. Therefore, it offers a valuable measure to Polish researchers and clinicians interested in measuring the problematic aspects of loot box use.
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