Depressive symptoms among male professional soccer players in Japan

Tomoko Ito,Michael D. Fetters,Courtney Kipps, Bhavesh Kumar

Asian Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology(2023)

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•Depressive symptoms among professional soccer players playing on four teams participating in the research in Japan was higher than the general population.•The rate of depressive symptoms was lower than reports from western countries but direct comparison is difficult due to different assessment tools, and timing of data collection, influence of the COVID-19 pandemic.•Despite difficulty of recruiting elite athletes to participate in mental health survey research, this investigation provides the first known study among professional soccer players in Japan. Larger scale research is necessary to make more precise estimates of the prevalence, while qualitative or mixed methods research could be used to elucidate the barriers to participation in mental health research among elite athletes.•Awareness and improved literacy about mental health issues among elite athletes and management in Japan is crucial to future investigations and for creating a supportive environment for athletes.
male professional soccer players,depressive symptoms,soccer players
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