Occupational injuries and risk assessment among stone crushing industry workers: a cross-sectional study

International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health(2023)

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Background and objectives The prevalence of occupational injuries among blue-collar workers is higher in the stone-crushing industries due to high-risk and iterant nature of the work. These occupational injuries, in turn, caused workers’ ill health, as well as death, which eventually diminish the gross domestic product. We aimed at assessing the attributes of occupational injuries and the risk associated with the hazards in the stone-crushing industry. Methods This study utilized a questionnaire base cross-sectional survey that was conducted from September 2019 to February 2020. Data were collected from 32 stone-crushing factories of Eastern Bangladesh and analyzed to show their relationship with different variables. The risk levels associated with the frequent hazardous events were measured using a Semi-Quantitative Risk Assessment Matrix. Results Most of the injuries were found to occur between 12:00 and 16:00 h. Nearly a fifth of the injuries were serious or critical in nature, caused the workers to be absent at least a week. Exposure to excessive dust, working without personal protective equipment (PPE), and improper lifting and handling techniques caused one-third of injuries. Wrist and hand/fingers, back and lower back, feet/toe, eye, knee, arm, neck and head, and ankle were found as most injured body parts. The primary cause of most injuries was the workers’ failure to use PPE. All major hazardous events were found to possess a high-risk level. Conclusion Our finding suggests that stone crushing is one of the most hazardous industries and the practitioners must consider the findings when implementing a risk avoidance policy.
Occupational injuries,Critical severity categories,Risk assessment,Stone crushing industry
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