Scientific dissemination in teaching of chemistry: interlocutions opportunized by extensionist actions

Ecléa Rodrigues Pereira, Miquéias Ferreira Gomes,Débora Astoni Moreira, Christina Vargas Miranda e Carvalho

Multi-Science Journal(2023)

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This article reports the experience in the context of an extension project dedicated to fight against fake news disseminated during the Covid-19 pandemic, whose aim was to promote scientific literacy in formal and non-formal educational environments. Titled "Chemistry, the Central Science", the project was developed over one semester, involving periods of research, elaboration and production of expanded abstracts and posters, and exhibition in different environments and contexts. The group was composed of five professors and five students from the graduation in chemistry course at IFGoiano – Urutaí Campus. The material prepared involved ten themes pertinent to chemistry present in everyday life and the exhibitions were held in different locations in pires do rio and ipameri, cities surrounding the educational institution. The project's execution provided the democratization of knowledge through the teaching of chemistry, as well as favoring the interlocution between community, science, and university.
teaching,scientific dissemination,chemistry,extensionist actions
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