Prompt to be Consistent is Better than Self-Consistent? Few-Shot and Zero-Shot Fact Verification with Pre-trained Language Models


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Few-shot or zero-shot fact verification only relies on a few or no labeled training examples. In this paper, we propose a novel method called ProToCo, to \underline{Pro}mpt pre-trained language models (PLMs) \underline{To} be \underline{Co}nsistent, for improving the factuality assessment capability of PLMs in the few-shot and zero-shot settings. Given a claim-evidence pair, ProToCo generates multiple variants of the claim with different relations and frames a simple consistency mechanism as constraints for making compatible predictions across these variants. We update PLMs by using parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT), leading to more accurate predictions in few-shot and zero-shot fact verification tasks. Our experiments on three public verification datasets show that ProToCo significantly outperforms state-of-the-art few-shot fact verification baselines. With a small number of unlabeled instances, ProToCo also outperforms the strong zero-shot learner T0 on zero-shot verification. Compared to large PLMs using in-context learning (ICL) method, ProToCo outperforms OPT-30B and the Self-Consistency-enabled OPT-6.7B model in both few- and zero-shot settings.
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