Distributed Energy Systems: Constraints and Opportunities in Urban Environments


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Cities need to make themselves energy self-sufficient by exploiting renewable sources and, above all, to evaluate the potential and constraints that each city can express by virtue of its own characteristics. This study focused on how the realisation of a renewable energy community could be approached in urbanised contexts. The methodology involved the selection of three case studies in Rome analysing the feasibility, programming and design scale, and the implications of planning RECs. Through simulation at three levels of detail, this study identifies elements to assess the feasibility of RECs and to elaborate scenarios to support their planning and dimensioning. The practical importance is to identify a possible methodological path and relevant factors which public or private stakeholders can consider at different levels in setting up RECs in an urban context. The research conclusions of these simulations point out that the specificities of a context affect many factors, among which an important role is played by the facilities and spaces for public use, as they are synergetic to a shared use of energy between residential and non-residential functions, but above all, because they are also available to accommodate services for the energy community.
distributed energy systems,renewable energy community,renewable energy,urban fabric,energy production simulation,energy balance,open proximity spaces,decarbonisation scenarios
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