Evaluating Geological Heritage Around UNESCO World Heritage Assets: a Study from the Dikili and Madra Mountain (Western Anatolia, İzmir, Türkiye)


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The Dikili and Madra Mountain, located on the northern border of the İzmir Province, is a significant area comprising UNESCO World Heritage assets. The geology of the region is characterised by diverse geology consisting of metamorphic, magmatic and sedimentary units. In this study, we propose 19 different types of geovalues (future geosite candidates) in 27 different locations and 4 different categories. A quantitative assessment of these geosites and the region for the Scientific Value (SV), Potential Educational Use (PEU), Potential Touristic Use (PTU) and Degradation Risk (DR) has shown that the study area has moderate–high regional SV, PEU and PTU scores (259, 286 and 260, respectively) and lower moderate (208) DR score. We also exemplify a utilisation scheme including 2 georoutes, 3 geotours and 4 panoramic terrace locations which are also related to cultural and natural assets. The results of the quantitative assessment show that the region has an important potential for geological education and future possible complementary geotourism activities and geopark formation efforts for the region.
Geosite candidates,Quantitative assessment,Dikili,Madra Mountain,Western Anatolia,Türkiye
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