Knowledge and Attitudes of First- and Final-Year Medical Students about Electroconvulsive Therapy: The Impact of Media

Academic psychiatry : the journal of the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training and the Association for Academic Psychiatry(2023)

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Objective The aim of this study is to evaluate medical students’ knowledge about and attitudes towards electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) and to assess the impact of information sources (including those within and outside the curriculum) on knowledge and attitudes by comparing first- and final-year medical students. Methods Two hundred and ninety-five first-year and one hundred forty-nine final-year medical students of the University of Leuven (KU Leuven) in Belgium responded to an anonymous self-administered survey which consisted of questions about sociodemographic background, self-perceived knowledge about medicine, psychiatry and ECT, interest in psychiatry, experience with psychiatric disorders, information sources of ECT, and knowledge about and attitudes towards ECT. Results Compared to first-year medical students, final-year students had better knowledge about and more positive attitudes towards ECT, partially explained by differences in information sources. Nevertheless, both student groups showed an average knowledge score below 50%. Whereas freshmen attributed their knowledge to movies or documentaries, senior students gained knowledge mainly at university courses, scientific journals, and attending live ECT sessions. A significant positive correlation was found between knowledge about and positive attitudes towards ECT. Conclusions The knowledge of first- and final-year medical students remains limited, potentially due to limited instruction about ECT in medical courses. The use of media as an information source predicted negative attitudes towards ECT. Therefore, the stigma and misinformation provided in the media need to be addressed in the medical curriculum.
Students,Medicine,Electroconvulsive Therapy,Knowledge,Attitudes
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