Self-cleaning solution for solar panels

M. Omar, A. Arif,M. Usman,S. S. Khan, S. Larkin

SAIEE Africa Research Journal(2023)

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The performance of photovoltaic panels is affected by the accumulation of dust particles on their surface. Regular cleaning of these photovoltaic panels is required, which increases the overall system cost and solution complexity. In remote areas, especially in water-stressed areas like deserts, water availability is an issue that double-folds the problem's complexity. Few automatic or manual dust cleaning methods through dry brushing are still there, which damages the glass layer at the top of photovoltaic panels. Here the availability of water for cleaning is not only a piece of the puzzle, but the required power to generate water in case of water harvesting is also equally important. This work proposes a novel artificial intelligence-enabled, wind turbine-driven air-water harvester. The air-water harvester is designed to operate in three different modes depending on the amount of dust on the surface of the solar panel. The system can produce more than two liters of water per day at the expense of a maximum of 100 W. In the end, the increase in the performance of the photovoltaic panel with and without the proposed cleaning solution is tested by cleaning its surface with water produced by the air-water harvester.
air-water harvester,savonius wind turbine,solar panel cleaning,solar panel efficiency
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