Takedown and Reuse of a Posterior Septal Nasal Floor Mucosal Flap for Skull Base Reconstruction in a Revision Surgery for a Recurrent Pituitary Tumor.


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Various types of mucosal flaps can be used for skull base reconstruction after endoscopic endonasal skull base surgery (EESS). Preventing postoperative cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leakage is essential. Flap creation during revision surgery can be problematic. We present a patient in whom a posterior septal nasal floor flap (PS-NF) was successfully reused for reconstruction after multiple reoperations for pituitary tumor resection. A 22-year-old female underwent EESS for resection of a pituitary tumor and experienced multiple recurrences after repeated operations. For the third recurrence, a skull base surgery team comprising otolaryngologists and neurosurgeons performed a binostril combined transnasal/transseptal approach and used a PS-NF for reconstruction. For the fourth recurrence, a PS-NF was successfully taken down and reused for reconstruction. No postoperative CSF leakage or intranasal complications occurred. Skull base reconstruction using a PS-NF is feasible and preserves the mucous membrane of the nasal septum and the morphology of the nasal cavity. PS-NF takedown and reuse is an option for revision EESS for recurrent pituitary tumors.
cerebrospinal fluid leakage,endoscopic endonasal skull base surgery,nasal mucosal flap,posterior septal nasal mucosal flap,skull base surgery
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