Phantom Undulations: Remote Physiological Sensing in Abstract Installation Works


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Phantom Undulations is a mixed-media work in which an artist's physiological data is being used remotely to manipulate the sounds and visuals of an abstract artifact in a gallery setting. This work relies heavily on the concept of showing the artist's presence or liveness in an abstract and remote manner through changes in the harmony, rhythm, and timbre of a loosely structured soundscape as well as the physical appearance of the artifact. We propose a method of utilizing real time physiological sensing data through a custom built sensing wristband and accompanying software. This system reads the physiological data of the artist and sends it to the Internet, where it can be received by the artifact anywhere on Earth. In addition to the artist's physiological data, we also offer a way for the audience to incorporate their own data into the work via several sensing wristbands which will accompany the artifact. Through this collaborative process, we wish to invite the audience to join the artist in manipulating the sonic and visual characteristics of this artifact and create a contrapuntally fluid and responsive musical experience.
physiological sensing, remote music, sound art, interactive art, liveness
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