A Mobile Robot Experiment System with Lightweight Simulator Generator for Deep Reinforcement Learning Algorithm.


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More and more researchers are trying to use deep reinforcement learning (DRL) for mobile robot tasks due to its powerful inference capability. However, deep reinforcement learning requires a large amount of data for DRL training in the pre-experimental stage, which hinders the application of the algorithm. On the other hand, the inconsistency between the ROS data interface and DRL GYM-Like data interface leads to a high cost of migration of the algorithm verification. This paper proposes a fast simulator generation method using linear approximate kinematics model and bake-based lidar rendering methods to generate a fast approximate simulator used in the pre-experiment stage to solve the problem of data cost. At the same time, an experimental system design scheme that converts the ROS interface into a GYM-like interface is also proposed to simplify the deployment process of deep reinforcement learning. We evaluate our proposed method on collision avoidance tasks in a variety of kinematics models and lidar scenarios. Our Method achieves about 14.2 times kinematics simulation speedup and 2.56 times lidar rendering speedup. We open-sourced our simulation environment and robot system software at https://github.com/efc-robot/MultiVehicleEnv and https://github.com/efc-robot/NICS_MultiRobot_Platform
2.56 times lidar rendering speedup,algorithm verification,bake-based lidar,data cost,deep reinforcement learning algorithm,DRL GYM-Like,DRL training,experimental system design scheme,fast approximate simulator,fast simulator generation method,GYM-like interface,lightweight simulator generator,linear approximate kinematics model,mobile robot experiment system,mobile robot tasks,pre-experiment stage,pre-experimental stage,robot system software,ROS data interface,ROS interface,simulation environment
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