Active Heterogeneous Graph Neural Networks with Per-step Meta-Q-Learning.


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Recent years have witnessed the superior performance of heterogeneous graph neural networks (HGNNs) in dealing with heterogeneous information networks (HINs). Nonetheless, the success of HGNNs often depends on the availability of sufficient labeled training data, which can be very expensive to obtain in real scenarios. Active learning provides an effective solution to tackle the data scarcity challenge. For the vast majority of the existing work regarding active learning on graphs, they mainly focus on homogeneous graphs, and thus fall in short or even become inapplicable on HINs. In this paper, we study the active learning problem with HGNNs and propose a novel meta-reinforced active learning framework MetRA. Previous reinforced active learning algorithms train the policy network on labeled source graphs and directly transfer the policy to the target graph without any adaptation. To better exploit the information from the target graph in the adaptation phase, we propose a novel policy transfer algorithm based on meta-Q-learning termed per-step MQL. Empirical evaluations on HINs demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed framework. The improvement over the best baseline is up to 7% in Micro-F1.
Active learning,Meta-Reinforcement learning,Heterogeneous graph neural networks
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