Metabolic regulation mechanism of Trametes gibbosa CB1 on lignin.

International journal of biological macromolecules(2023)

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White rot fungi can degrade lignin and play a significant role in the recycling of carbon resources for environmental protection. Trametes gibbosa is the main white rot fungus in Northeast China. The main acids produced by T. gibbosa degradation, include long-chain fatty acids, lactic acid, succinic acid, and some small molecular compounds for example benzaldehyde. A variety of proteins respond to lignin stress and play an important role in xenobiotics metabolism, metal ion transport, and redox. Coordinated regulation and detoxification activation of HO produced in oxidative stress by peroxidase coenzyme system and Fenton reaction. The Dioxygenase cleavage pathway and β-ketoadipic acid pathway are the main oxidation pathways of lignin degradation, which mediate the entry of "COA" into the TCA cycle. In the joint action of hydrolase and coenzyme, cellulose, hemicellulose, and other polysaccharides are degraded and finally converted to glucose to participate in energy metabolism. The expression of the laccase (Lcc_1) protein was verified by E. coli. Also, the Lcc_1 overexpression mutant was established. The morphology of mycelium was dense and the lignin degradation rate was improved. We completed the first non-directional mutation of in T. gibbosa. It also improved the mechanism of T. gibbosa in response to lignin stress.
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