A methodology to liberate critical metals in waste solar panel

Applied Energy(2023)

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The availability of critical metals is one of the driving factor to secure the transition of energy production to a renewable, low carbon one because of the material requirement in photovoltaic technology (PV), wind power generation and batteries. For example, precious metals are vital to manufacture crystalline silicon solar panel and tellurium, germanium, indium and gallium are essential in thin film photovoltaic panels. However, the pressure on the supply of critical metals increases with the growth of photovoltaics. Considering the resource availability, the recycling of critical metals from waste solar panels can enhance the sustainability of end-of-life management, although the recycled metal input is limited in present state. Among the recycling techniques, the separation and liberation of metals from non-metals are crucial. This study investigate a methodology to liberate thin film materials from copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS) thin-film solar panel to recycle photovoltaic material including indium and gallium via a mechanical process.
Recycling,Solar panel,Critical metal,Selective liberation
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